So. The time has come to break the inertia of the helpless and get a post written. I hadn't realized so much time had snuck by since the last time I gave due to this beautiful disaster that I call a life, but as is the nature of time it creeps away quickest when not watched.
It's not like my life has been boring either; since the last post I've gotten kicked off the hill, been thrown into a new cage, gotten doubled up with another trouble-making Native, received a firm date for my upcoming evaluation, and on top of all this commotion I've managed to stay out of trouble. At least I haven't been caught.
That would be funny if it wasn't the truth. Prison seems to be the worst place for a man to try to rehabilitate themselves. While not being a gang member, I have a lot of obligations because I'm indian. Funny how that works out: trapped by ones own culture. It's not that I don't have a choice here, but frankly the alternatives are crap. I couldn't survive in here if I didn't have the weight of the First Nation on my side.
I guess prison changes EVERYTHING. Some people don't realize that ugly little truth of being trapped by the very thing that gives me identity. That's not to say that I don't get a lot of benefit from other indians because I've taken more than my share of goodies and had other brothers put in some "work" for me. Unfortunately, it's just how things get done in here. You want new sheets? Clothes that another man hasn't worn, farted, and done worse in? You want the queens and punks to stay on their squares and leave you alone? You want something for the head to knock the edge off and make the night go as nicely as possible? You want to BELONG and when it's time to stand up you want to be sure you ain't standing all alone?
If you want these things then you better claim up coming through the door because this asn't a joke in here. There are people in here that are going to die in a cell and some of them really don't give a shit if you're a nice guy, or innocent, or trying to be a better person. Yet, when it's all said and done, there are people in here doing the right thing. It's not a good life or easy time but there are people that have turned that corner. Predominantly these are people that have a door that they can eventually step through.
In 2000, the state decided that if you received 10 years in prison then you serve 10 years with zero time off for good behavior. Prisoners are the easiest target for politicians to make hay off. Nobody loves a criminal other than the friends and family of the criminal. Anyhow. In Wisconsin judges are political creatures, too; walleyed eyes on the interests of "justice" as well as their re-election. When they began the "truth in sentencing" garbage they also decided that the current sentencing guidelines needed beefing up as well so most crimes got hefty increases. These lengthier sentences resulted in people doing longer sentences without ANY incentive to change. And this is where I find myself: a 50 year bit with no door.
Know that the pain you've used as an excuse for your past behavior is NOTHING compared to the pain you have brought on others.
ReplyDeleteKnow that the strength you have received out of the last 10 years is nothing compared to what I hope your victims have conquered.
I hope that you will never be free.
I hope that you will never be better.
I hope that you will never ever understand love from another, as that is what you deserve.
Your mother apparently saw that early on, as did your adoptive mother. Stop using these women as an excuse for your past behavior.
Read "A child called It', by Dave Pelzer " and then try to boo hoo your way out of your life.
Sound familiar? I want that phrase to eat away at your soul. Your sentencing spoke the truth, and I want to make sure you remember.
Maybe you can't feel feelings, but for the last ten years and twelve hours, I have felt nothing but feelings, and you are the one to blame. YOU ARE THE ONE TO BLAME. YOU.
You are safe from harming another human being.
You are safe from living a real life.
I however live in fear from everyone I encounter, everyone I meet, everyone I should trust, and everyone I have trusted in the past.
I want to say FUCK YOU Ani, Ben Chosa, or the man I sentenced for the next 40+ years, Scott Kieson. Fuck you for trying to ruin my life. Fuck you for breaking into my house. Fuck you for taking my virginity. FUCK YOU.
Enjoy the next 40 years, if you make it that far. (Which I hope you do). I put you there.
I put you there,and I want you to thank me for it. You are safe from ruining another person's life. You are safe from taking advantage of another woman. You are safe.
Whatever you or your friend Jackie choose to write about you bettering yourself, nothing will redeem yourself. NOTHING.
To Anonymous:
ReplyDeleteWhat I did to you was neither fair nor your fault. I am to blame for that. You've done nothing to me personally and you did not deserve what happened to you.
I make no excuses for anything I've done and I'm not making any now; my life is mine and the facts speak for themselves. If anything I've posted led you to believe otherwise that was not my intention.
I am listening to what you have to say, I accept responsibility for what I did and offer you my apology. I realize I can’t give you back what I took. I am willing to do whatever I can that you need me to do for you to be made whole again.
I too offer you my deepest apology for what happened and how it must have affected you and still does. I admire your courage and strength in confronting Ani and I hope this has brought you some healing. I don't expect you or ask you to forgive him. I share his pain that he caused such grief and loss and fear to you and also your family. It saddens me deeply. Thank you for speaking to us. Jackie
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ReplyDeleteI acknowledge your anger, but have removed your comments as this is my blog and I don't believe your comments are appropriate or helpful in this setting. I invite you to contact me privately by email if you wish to discuss this further.
ReplyDeleteI have nothing more to say to you.
ReplyDeleteOnce again you have proved that you are not a man by removing the truth that I stated in my previous comments. People who read your blog should know what kind of person you truly are, not just what you wish them to see!
Peggy H died this past week